Stadium Mast Lighting Pole

lighting poles manufacturer in chennai, tamilnadu, india

The stadium high mast poles are with fixed head frame to carry the large number of flood lights which are mostly used for those outdoor places where the high concentration of lights is required over a small area, such as a local baseball, football, and soccer fields as well as tennis and basketball courts, cricket stadium, race course, etc.

Tekvihaan can design, manufacture, deliver and erect the stadium mast or sports mast up to 50meter height or above with 1000W or 2000W LED / Metal Halide (MH) floodlights. The height of the mast and the number of the flood lights are specified by the customer or we do that based on the lighting LUX distribution calculation for the concerned area.

  • Sports Stadium
  • Airports
  • Outdoor Events
  • Yards
  • Optimum Lighting
  • Wide & Very Far Lighting Coverage
  • To be used for promotion or advertising purposes


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